
Put the joy back in your life!


Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

  • Zero downtime
  • Suitable for all skin tones and types
  • Painless
  • No concern for forming keloid scars
  • Fuller, Perkier Breasts
  • Improve Nipple Sensitivity
  • Correct Nipple Inversion

Gentle Treatment,
without pain

There are numerous treatments available to improve the look of the breasts. Some of them are expensive, some of them require extensive surgery, and others are just downright ineffective.
The Vampire Breast Lift® is a noninvasive alternative to a surgical breast lift, the treatment attempts to improve the appearance of the breasts and entire cleavage area by minimizing the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks and adding subtle volume, for youthful, perkier cleavage. Nipple sensitivity may also be increased significantly

A Vampire Breast Lift® combines the benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood with hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, (JUVÉDERM®), the same potent combo as the popular Vampire Facelift®. PRP contains stem cells and growth factors, which play a role in cell turnover, growth of new blood vessels, collagen production, fatty tissue, and the overall health of your skin, down to the cellular level.
The younger you are, the better your body will respond to the PRP. “I’ve had different age ranges of patients who’ve gotten Vampire Facelifts, and each patient sees a great deal of change in their skin tone and texture,”

Vampire BreastLift®

The Vampire Breast Lift® is noninvasive and while it does require injections, it doesn't involve any incisions, sutures, or scars.
Because of the use of fillers, (JUVÉDERM®), You'll see some increased plumpness and roundness from the filler immediately after your treatment.

Zero downtime, while you can expect to need one to two weeks of recovery time with a traditional breast lift.
Suitable for all skin tones and types and no concern for forming keloid scars.
In addition to promising fuller, perkier breasts, the Vampire Breast Lift® may improve nipple sensitivity, reduce the appearance of breast implant rippling, and even correct nipple inversion

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Average recovery




Step 11

Step 1

Schedule a consultation
Step 22


  • Numbing Agent
  • Blood Drawn and Processed
  • PRP Applied
Step 33

After Care

  • Numbing Agent
  • Blood Drawn and Processed
  • PRP Applied
Step 44

Result Notes

  • Numbing Agent
  • Blood Drawn and Processed
  • PRP Applied

How Is A Vampire Breast Lift® Done

Like a Vampire Facelift®, a Vampire Breast Lift® involves a series of injections. The entire process takes about an hour and hurts about as much as other cosmetic injectable treatments. Areas like the nipples are especially sensitive to injections.

To reduce discomfort, a numbing cream will be applied and allowed a minimum of 20 minutes to activate. While waiting for the numbing cream to take effect we will draw your blood (usually from the inside of your elbow) and process it using the PureSpin PRP® FDA approved system. If you have elected the SuperShot® enhancement it will be utilized at the end of the PRP preparation

PRP will then be injected into several areas of your breast tissue focusing on the inner margins and the top of the breast to create more cleavage. JUVÉDERM® filler will also be injected to help plump the breasts and smooth out any rippling from implants. The filler also provides structure for the PRP and increases its longevity.

There have been no reported complications from the Vampire Breast Lift® procedure. Because hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body and PRP is derived from your own blood, there’s no chance of an allergic reaction to the PRP itself. There is always a possibility of reaction to anesthetic medications.

It is Important to manage expectations. You can expect slightly fuller firmer breasts with a slight lift, similar to using a pushup bra, but you will not increase your cup size. The positive effects will generally last from 18 months to two years.

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